Undercover Daddy Read online

Page 6

  “So, you’ve done this before,” Alex said casually. “How do you know no one’s going to recognize you?”

  “The small group I used to belong to was over four hours away. I only played a few times—the rest was all done privately, or with a few women I met online. Or with a current girlfriend who surprised me by being willing to try it out. And that was years ago. We should be fine.” He smiled. “And once I became a cop, I backed off from the scene. Not because there was anything wrong with it—I just couldn’t find the time.”

  “We should practice. You know, so we don’t look like undercover cops when we show up for the munch tomorrow night.” Her half-lidded gaze met his again, and she twirled her long blond hair.

  “The munch is just a formality. Usually that’s how a group meets and vets potential members,” he reminded her and pulled a few inches back. “And there’s no spankings at the munch. It’s in a public restaurant. A meet and greet. We don’t have to fake being partners.” He was trying hard to be the good guy. But his logical-minded self was playing back burner to his aching cock. And God, Alex was making it even harder on him.

  She handed him her glass after taking a sip for herself, and raised it to his lips. “Finish it for me. I want to play. Daddy.”

  Christ. He swallowed the last cool sip and focused on her plump, kissable lips pouting in front of him. “No.” He frowned at her. “We’re both intoxicated, and we don’t need to be trying out new, potentially dangerous things without clear heads.”

  “God, Con!” She threw up her hands and expelled a huge, angry breath, her eyes flashing as she stood and walked over to the shelf in the corner. Picking up her Nerf gun, she paced back toward him, before turning, aiming, and shooting five times at the target. Two one-hundred-point center shots, and the others within the orange lines for fifty.

  “Uneven trigger pull, little girl.” He took her Nerf gun from her, pulled the three darts from the left of the center, and handed them back to her. “Reload, and do those three over again, and this time, relax.”

  She shuddered when he stood behind her and pulled one of her long pigtails out of the way, so he could whisper into her ear. She smelled like lavender.

  “Daddy likes a nice, even trigger pull.” He wrapped his arms around her and helped her ‘sight’ her weapon. “Gentle, baby. Keep the pressure nice and even. No jerking this time, got it?” His senses were in overdrive—he could smell her floral musk, feel her tiny shivers against the front of his body, hear the rapid little breaths she took as she tried to calm herself and squeeze off the perfect shot.

  Click. Click. Click. One at a time, she breathed, released the breath, practically sagging into his chest, and then fired at the middle of the cardboard target. Center mass each time. He wanted to run his tongue up the side of her neck, reward her for—for what? Looking so damn beautiful? Firing a toy gun in a way that made his cock want to explode?

  “I told you.” She turned, her face a flushed pink. “I am not drunk.” She placed her toys back on the far shelf and turned back to him, vulnerability so strong in her wide-eyed gaze. “I’m slightly intoxicated enough to take the edge off and help me push a bit farther than normal. And this stuff…” she pointed at her cute, sexy outfit, “this is way beyond pushing me out of my comfort zone. I am in the proper state of mind. No, I won’t drive like this, but damn, Con, I can make a decision without blaming it on being drunk or stupid the next morning. I need to try this in a safe environment. You’re my safe environment. I’m not drunk.”

  He rubbed his eyes. Okay, pro: they would get some practice in before this weekend’s job; hopefully get Alex a bit more comfortable with a bit of nudity, being touched, him being her partner. Con: she might regret it in the morning, or even worse, he would fall even further head over heels for this amazing woman and say something stupid, like he wanted to do this for real, with her, and not just as an undercover assignment.

  “Never mind. It’s getting late. You should probably get going. I’ve got to get cleaned up and ready for tomorrow’s m—”

  He cut her off and pulled her into his body, loving the way it molded perfectly into him. Turning her, he took her chin in his hands and forced a stern expression. “Did you overspend with my credit card today, young lady?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise and she let out a little squeak. “Oh.”

  “This is called playing, baby girl,” he whispered and gave her a small wink. “Just go with it, when you’re ready.”

  She nodded, took a deep breath, and composed her features.

  “Remember your safe word?”

  “For Pete’s sake, it’s not that hard to remember donut.” She rolled her eyes and squealed when he popped her a good one on the ass.

  “All right, brat, first thing we are going to do is get this makeup off you. I did not give you permission to wear it. So we’re taking it off, and then I’m going to punish you.”

  “Whatever,” she mumbled.

  He couldn’t tell if she was channeling her inner middle or if that was really her. Maybe a bit of both? He pulled her by the hand and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. “I think Daddy needs to remind you to speak respectfully.” He yanked her over his lap and pulled up her dress, showing off her cute little boy-cut briefs. “Naughty girls get spanked hard.” He accentuated each word with a hard swat to the back of her panties.

  She didn’t fight him at all until he pulled down her panties to her ankles and started in on her bare bottom. “Ow, ow ow!” She tried to put her hand behind her to protect her bare pink cheeks, but he just pulled it to the small of her back and held it there while continuing to spank, each subsequent smack getting harder and faster. She groaned and mewled and rocked against his lap, and his cock grew firmer with each rub against him.

  “Such a naughty little girl.” He spread her ass cheeks and found her plump, glistening clit. “What happens when you are rude to Daddy?” He dipped his finger between her legs and tickled her clit and she groaned and spread her legs wider for him. “Tell me.” He smacked between her legs, grazing her wet pussy and she shrieked. “Answer me, bad girl. What happens to disrespectful little girls who roll their eyes and wear makeup without permission?” He started stroking her while spanking her in a hard rhythm.

  “Oh God, I, I…” She always stuttered when she got excited.

  He pinched her clit and released a flurry of hard swats all over her red ass, and she shrieked and came all over his fingers, humping his knee and rubbing her clit against him.

  “Oh, God, Daddy. Dad-eee! Ah!” Her final scream left her spent and sagging across his lap, and he couldn’t help but smile. This was an even better way to release tension than the mats.

  Pulling her to stand, he kissed her on the forehead. “Apologize to Daddy for being naughty, and all will be forgiven.”

  “I’m s-sorry, Da-Daddy.” She was still having trouble catching her breath. But her face was flushed and her gaze, happy and satiated.

  “Okay, baby girl. All’s forgiven. Let’s get this makeup off you.” He sat her down on the toilet and waited to see if she would complain about him trying to take over the task, but she was still recovering from her orgasm. Sudsing up a washcloth, he moved to clean her face, but she stopped him.


  “Do you need more time over my knee?”

  “No, it’s not that.” She grinned. “But there’s a specific way to do this. Eye makeup remover is in that bottle over there.”

  He drenched a cotton ball with the liquid and carefully brought it to her face. She closed her eyes and sighed as he made smooth, light circles over each eye, clearing all the black, blue, and powdery stuff away. She was the most relaxed he had ever seen her as he thoroughly washed, rinsed, and patted every part of her face dry.

  “There you go, baby. Squeaky clean. Just the way Daddy likes you.” He kissed her on her flushed cheeks and she smiled. A real smile full of trust and something he hadn’t seen from her in a long time—open acceptance. “Com
e here, baby girl.”

  She melted into his arms and he carried her out to the couch where he sat her down in front of him and started brushing her hair. Her long, silky blond hair felt like heaven between his fingers, and he spent more time making snarls rather than brushing them out. But he didn’t care. For just this moment, she was his. No distractions. No past. No job. Just them. And dammit, he liked it.

  He leaned closer to her, loving the scent of her just-washed hair. Nothing perfume-y or floral in any of her products. Just pure Alex. Pure perfection.

  She snored softly as her head tilted back against him. It was only eight p.m., but she had had a long, grueling day, and some alcohol. He had forgotten to spank her for that. Maybe next time. He grinned. Well, if he were a good daddy, he would take her to bed, cover her up and leave, and come back in the morning.

  But he didn’t feel like being a good daddy right now. So he settled for putting her to bed, right next to him. He carried her into her room, pulled back the covers, and lay her down. Then he stripped off her dress and panties, and pulled the blanket up to her chin. She looked so adorably sweet, with her freshly washed face and her tangled blond hair fanned out on the pillow. Shucking his jeans and shirt, he lay down next to her. But he could sleep next to her, just for a while. Breathe in her soft scent, feel her curves as she snuggled against him, and pretend they really were a couple.

  He listened to her soft snores, and held very still when she snuggled her warm, bare bottom against his side. Then he fell asleep.

  * * *

  The first thing she felt was the hard length pressed into her lower back. The next were the soft curls from his muscled chest. Alex couldn’t believe she had fallen asleep while he brushed her hair. She glanced at the clock, trying not to move and wake Connor up. She had to process first, before she did anything. It was three a.m., and the soft rays of moonlight shone through a crack in the curtain.

  Crap, they missed dinner! She wasn’t hungry, but she felt bad for Connor. Men his size probably had to eat every few hours—otherwise they would turn into ravenous beasts and devour everything in sight. She squirmed and rubbed her bottom against his hardness again. Hmm, maybe a hungry beast devouring something wasn’t that bad. She had seen the way he had looked at her last night. Her pussy clenched at the thought of all the wonderful things he could eat. Her body was a hot, tense buffet, ready to be served.

  Dang it. She needed a cold shower. The last thing she should do is complicate things with sex. But her evil body wouldn’t listen, continuing to grind her booty against his cock as he slept. Oh, God, the thing was awake. And so was she.

  “If you don’t stop rubbing all over me, I’m going to forget who we both are and fuck you senseless,” he mumbled, his eyes still closed.

  Would that be so bad? Forgetting? Playing for a while? Enjoying the physical sexuality and camaraderie that came so easily to others?

  She slipped under the sheets and rubbed her cheek against his tented boxers. “If I were to say I want your cock in my mouth, how would you react?”

  He growled and held her face tightly against him. “If you put any part of my body into your mouth, you had better be calling me Sir, Daddy, or Oh, my God, it’s too big.” He pressed his fully awake cock against her cheek. “Do you get me, little girl?”

  Oh, yeah, she got him all right. She pulled his shorts down and pressed her lips against his thick head. “It really is huge.”

  He chuckled and cracked open an eye as she licked him tentatively. “That’s good to know.” Grabbing a fistful of her hair, he took command and pulled her onto his cock. “If you’re going to suck me, you had better do a good job, little girl. Stop teasing me or I will spank you so hard you won’t sit for a week.”

  Her pussy spasmed at the thought of another spanking by him. “I don’t know.” She licked him from base to tip, teasing him some more. “What if I don’t want that big thing in my mouth? I might choke.” She twirled her tongue around his head, and a dot of pre-cum emerged from the tip. She lapped that up too.

  “That’s it.” He yanked her up out of the sheets, then sat on the edge of the bed, pulled her over his lap, and starting paddling her ass, hard.

  “Ow, ow, ow!” she shrieked and tried to shield herself with her hand, but he just held it in place on the small of her back and continued giving her hard, fast swats. Her ass was on fire and her pussy, about to melt. She groaned when he stopped.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not through with you yet, little brat. I just need to get something else to punish your naughty ass with.” He gave her one more smack, and pressed her down onto the bed, standing her up. He rubbed her sore cheeks, laughing when she arched her back and hips to meet him. “You like this, don’t you?”

  “God, yeah,” she almost purred when he stroked between her legs and touched her clit.

  “Lean over a bit more,” he directed and she obliged quickly, raising her hips so he could place a pillow beneath her.

  He alternated between stroking her clit and pussy, and spanking her, and she loved it. Every single moment left her body aching in the best way. “Please. Harder, sir.” She ground her wet nether lips into the pillow, and he smacked the lower part of her ass where it met her thighs. It hurt so freaking much, but she loved it. His touch set her on fire.

  “Please, sir, I need to… I need…” It was hard to articulate her needs at this point, but he read her perfectly, thrusting his fingers into her vagina, still giving her sharp smacks, and tickling her clit. She came with such intensity, she was sure the neighbors’ neighbors heard her. Her body exploded and then melted, right there at the hands of the man who continued to pump his fingers in and out, milking her for every last drop of her orgasm. Holy cow. That was intense! She sagged back down onto the bed, spent. Well, almost spent. She still had one more thing she wanted to do. “Now may I suck you, sir?”

  “Are you ready to stop teasing me, little girl?”

  “Oh, yes, I’ll open my mouth nice and wide, and slide you down my throat, while licking you and sucking hard, so hard, you’ll see stars.”

  His wide-eyed expression as she knelt before him made her smile. She liked having this effect on him. Connor, the man who was always in control.

  She licked the tip of his cock and swirled her tongue around like it was a lollipop. Yeah, by the strangled expression on his face and little grunting noises he made, he was going to enjoy this. They both would. And there wouldn’t be any awkward day after We shouldn’t have done that feelings. Because they were just partners. It was roleplaying, practicing, preparing for the assignment. Nothing would come of it, and she sure as heck wasn’t going to regret it.

  Chapter Eight

  Upon entering the lobby of the hotel, it seemed like any other quiet hotel. People sipped drinks and casually conversed at the bar; others chatted while checking in. The group would have liked to have taken over the whole hotel for their conference, but that had not been possible with their numbers, and the Grande staff didn’t like to turn away guests. So all conferences and ‘play activities’ were to be kept in blocked-off rooms, the upper floors, and the special conference suites and auditorium away from the general public.

  As soon as they had received the room cards, map of conference events, and special keys to unlock the floors, they whooshed up in the large, transparent elevator. Alex’s nerves had built steadily as they rose through each floor. He had even given her a few reminder taps to her hips when she chewed on her fingernails. But once they entered the ‘no holds barred, not for public eye’ area, she had just frozen.

  Alex stood gaping—well, trying to hide her gaping, wide-eyed, bugged-out-eyed look—as she surveyed the activity around them. Half-naked men and women crawled on all fours along the floors—there was a special carpet laid across the center of the floors specifically for crawling. Dominants of every make, color, sex, and size lined the walls. One naughty little kitten was being spanked, her bare bottom and tail wiggling for all to see as her master gave her crisp,
hard smacks with a travel paddle.

  “It’s going to be all right.” Connor took her hand, and she shook gently as he coaxed her forward. “One step at a time.”

  With all that had happened over the past week, he wasn’t surprised to see her a bit shaken up. He’d tried to talk to her about their night together last week, but she’d shut him down pretty quickly. A quick shrug of her shoulders, a whatever roll of her eyes, followed by a crisp dictation about professionalism, and all of this being part of their job; he had let it go. But he still couldn’t get the worry from gnawing at his gut. Was she okay? Yeah, she seemed like her normally competent and energetic self. But something was off. She was off.

  Unless it was just him. God, that night had been amazing. Spanking her ass while both of them enjoyed it—at least she seemed to enjoy it at the time. The feel of her tight pussy squeezing his fingers while he fucked her, barely holding onto his own sanity… He’d have taken her right then, professed his undying love, and married her on the spot, if she would have let him. But he needed to stop this insanity. Alex didn’t feel the same way—this was a job to her, nothing more, nothing less. He needed to stop thinking like a lovesick teenager, and more like a professional. They had a job to do. It was slightly different than normal—albeit kinkier. But if she could handle turning off her emotions and pressing through, so could he. He wouldn’t stop himself from enjoying this weekend with her—that wasn’t possible. But he would distance his heart from the matter—to protect Alex.

  The top floors of the Grande hotel were decked out in posters, BDSM paraphernalia, and different activities in each room, all discreetly kept here, so as not to alarm the rest of the hotel patrons below.