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Undercover Daddy Page 5
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Page 5
The first strip felt like it ripped open her skin, and she waited for her bone to pop out. Okay, it wasn’t that bad, but damn, it hurt!
“Shin is one of the stingiest. Here.” Gabby handed her a cup of chilled red wine, and she took a sip quickly.
The cheap stuff didn’t taste any better after being chilled to almost Popsicle temps. Maybe she could pour it on her leg to soothe it. She handed the cup back to Gabby and steeled herself for the next strips. The rest of her legs weren’t quite as bad as that first shocking rip. Except for her ankles—those hurt too. But Gabby kept handing her wine, so that helped.
Her underarms weren’t quite as bad as she had thought they would be. Once she figured out how to breathe properly, she was good. And she was lucky, she was small and less hairy than some of the guys she had seen at the station. Hallelujah. Another good reason to be a woman after all.
“Time for bikini.” The lady finished cleaning off all remaining wax and looked up at her with an apprehensive smile.
“Uh, bikini?”
“Alex, this is the most important part of a woman’s body. I’m sure you don’t want to, but you have to get it waxed. No offense, but if you’re going to be parading around in cute little outfits, you don’t want any rainforest peeking out.”
Rainforest? Oh. “Hey, I trim my hedges, dammit, there’s no reason to steamroll them—with wax!” Alex sputtered.
“It’s not going to be that bad. It’s just a little bit of hair.”
“But it’s hair… down there.” She hated the whiny sound in her voice. But damn. What intelligent twenty-first century woman would do that to herself—just for appearance?
Gabby handed her another glass of wine. “Take a swig, pull the edge of your panties over onto your hoo-hah, and then just relax and breathe. It will be over quicker than you know. Unless you don’t want wax on your undies—in which case, you need to take those suckers off.”
“Not going to happen.” She lay back and pulled the cotton edge of her underwear so her right side was open, careful to keep her hand protectively placed on top of her special area. She was taking no chances that her torturer would try to get over there. She winced and laughed as the first strip was yanked off. “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you what you want to know. It’s buried on the east side, between two oak trees.”
The lady furrowed her brow, not getting her joke, but Gabby laughed. “You should be happy you’re not doing a Brazilian,” Gabby said and handed her the cup for a quick swig.
“Is a Brazilian worse?”
“It’s everything from front to back.”
“Every… thing.”
“Yea-agh!” The last strip was yanked from her other side, and the lady wasted no time in patting her poor, ravaged private area, massaging, then applying a cleaner and some lotion. Wow, there was no modesty in a salon. Getting spanked in front of other people would be a cakewalk compared to this, and it would probably hurt a lot less.
They paid the woman, thanked her, and headed out the door.
“What’s next?” Alex asked grumpily.
“Lunch and drinks?”
“Sounds great.”
Gabby linked arms with her as if they were best friends forever, and happily walked her down the street to a cute little café. Drinks in hand and nibbling on bread, they planned out the rest of the afternoon. It sounded pretty hardcore. Kind of like a long sparring and training session with Connor. Only sparring sounded a lot more appealing than shopping for clothes—especially skimpy stuff she should only wear at night, not to mention makeup and hair products.
* * *
“Okay, so now that we have concealer on your dark spots under your eyes, we do the foundation. I like this mineral-based stuff. It goes on easy and light and doesn’t clog your pores.” Gabby continued explaining while putting on her own makeup in slow easy strokes, allowing Alex to follow suit.
“I was afraid you were going to bring me in here and cake me over while I sat helplessly with my eyes squinched shut.” She smiled and swirled her own brush across her face.
“You can’t teach a horse to swim or a fish to jump, if you do it for them.”
Alex laughed and dumped part of her powder into a pile on the counter. This woman was a riot.
“Connor was good about that.” Gabby shrugged. “My brothers always wanted to barrel in and do everything for me. Connor was the one who taught me to saddle, ride, swim, bike, shoot…”
“Well, yeah. We live out in the middle of nowhere. I need to know how to protect myself from big cats and bears. Besides, it’s fun going to the range and out-grouping them.” She smiled and put her makeup back into a tub and started placing long, dark tubes and colored squares in front of them.
Alex never would have pegged her as able to do any of that stuff. The woman was pretty and fashionable and sweet and easygoing—everything that normal females were supposed to be. “I’m pleasantly surprised.”
“Yeah, well, you can’t judge a bridge by its cover, right?” Gabby winked. “I like to mangle phrases. It’s fun.”
Alex laughed. “I do too! You should have seen the pizza delivery guy last week. He commented on how cute my Star Wars jammie pants were, and I told him, ‘Spock’s my favorite.’ I thought he was going to drop my pizza and pass out.”
As they compared notes on weapons of choice, favorite movies, and one-liners, and best ranges and shot groups, Gabby showed her how to do eyeshadow.
“Seriously, less is more when it comes to this stuff.” She tapped the brush and Alex followed suit. “With your brilliant blue eyes, you would look great with a sparkling white, luminous blue—not too dark—and a bright blue on your eyelid. We’ll do lashes after this.” Next they did a cute light pink for her cheekbones and a bright, shiny pink lip gloss.
Wow! She looked so different! She would have totally caked on these colors—hell, she already had. But this was soft and natural, only highlighting and accenting her features. The blues really brought out the color in her eyes.
“If you were interested in trying out a fun anime look for next week, you could use an eye pencil and swipe downward for one line, then inward smudge your tear lobe—that’s the corner. You can consider extensions to make the perfect circular buns on each side of your head. That will make you look totally adorable and anime. Google female anime online to get some more cute looks! But for now, I suggest long ponytails, hanging along your shoulders.”
Thirty minutes later, she was done and wearing a flirty sundress that hugged her curves in all the right places—wow, she had curves! Her makeup looked amazing, and her hair was pulled down into sexy, but cute—wasn’t that an oxymoron?—ponytails that hung loosely on her shoulders.
“I can’t thank you enough.”
“Well, you can thank me by agreeing to let me know how it goes, and hooking up with me for a Girls Night Out after this is all over.” Gabby shrugged at her expression. “I don’t have too many girlfriends. At least not ones that aren’t trying to hook up with my brothers.”
Alex hadn’t had female friends before. They were too high maintenance, and she could never find anything in common with them. “I’d love that. We can go to the range, get drinks—anything but waxing.”
Gabby laughed again. “Yeah, I kinda figured that. How about I show you my new Sig Sauer .380, and we can try it out.”
“You have a .380?”
“Connor hooked me up with a good deal. He even taught me how to use it for competition. I shot a hundred ninety-six in the indoor fifty-meter championships in Hanover last year.”
That was only two points behind her best. Yeah, she liked this woman. “Here’s my number. Keep in touch, and I’ll check in again after this mission is over.”
“Yay! A new friend.” Gabby squealed and hugged her tightly as they walked out into the living room.
“Really?” She remembered all the drama and emotions from the girls growing up around her. “I’m n
ot very good at being friends with women.”
“No worries, Alleycat. Four brothers, a cousin, three male dogs, two male cats, and a father who threatened not to let me date until I was thirty—I get ya!”
They laughed and went over the game plan for Alex’s adventure next week.
“Don’t forget to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer,” Gabby said seriously.
“And this is why I don’t like hanging out with a bunch of women.”
“You’ll be fine. Just keep your eyes and ears open. The loudest, squeakiest wheel is probably the person to keep the biggest eye on.”
A knock on her apartment door announced Connor’s arrival.
Gabby checked the peephole and swung the door open to showcase Alex.
“What’d you do to my partner?” Connor asked as soon as his gaze fell on her.
Gabby flung the door shut in his face and locked the deadbolt. “Have I mentioned my cousin is an idiot?”
Feeling deflated, Alex trudged to the bathroom. “Just let him in.”
Chapter Seven
Connor knocked on the door, a little deja vu seeping in. Oh, yeah, he had been in this same exact position earlier today. But this time it was his fault. He took a deep breath and knocked again. This time the door opened and a very angry brunette stood in his path, hands on her hips, spitting bullets.
“You made me a liar. I said all that nice stuff about you, and you just… seriously! What the frack?”
Alex had already retreated to the bathroom, and from the sounds of things was taking out her anger on the poor sink. “Okay, that’s enough.” He raised his voice to be heard by both his wide-eyed cousin and his partner. The splashing stopped. “You. Get a handle on your anger right now. I did not mean to hurt her feelings.” He stalked to the bathroom and glared into the mirror. “And you, get your ass out to the couch right now. We need to talk.” Yeah, great way to start an apology. But he was sick of being the designated asshole.
Both women stood there, shooting daggers at him, and since they were both sharpshooters he was lucky they weren’t holding any weapons.
“Look, my reaction wasn’t meant as an insult.” He met both sets of gazes. “You look fantastic. Not that you didn’t look good before.” Shit, he was about to stick another size eleven into his mouth. “What I mean is you surprised me.”
Alex’s eyes widened.
“I mean you surprised me by being hot. Extra hot. Damn it.” He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. “If I saw you on the street, I’d be like wow! Not that I’m saying you’re not pretty normally.” That’s not what he meant either. “Somebody shoot me now,” he grumbled.
Both women looked at each other and started laughing. Were they laughing at him?
“You are such a dork.” Gabby stood up and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you as much as my real brothers, but man…” She laughed again. “I think he’s trying to compliment you, Alleycat.”
Shaking her head, Alex grinned at him. “I kind of figured that. Okay, truce?”
“Yeah, let’s start over.” He grabbed them both into a quick hug and smiled at them. “You ladies did great. Alex, you look fantastic. Well, except for the… you know…” He pointed at her right eye, which had already been partially scrubbed free of makeup.
“I’m going for a new look. It’s called disproportional chic,” she said, winking at him with the unmade-up eye.
“Well, I really did like it. Do you want to fix it, before I take you both out to dinner?”
“I think I’m going to take it all off. It was nice for a while, but I would like to get back to feeling normal again—unless that would bother you?”
“Not at all. Make yourself comfortable. You really do look pretty without it.”
She smiled and started heading back toward the bathroom, but Gabby stopped her.
“It’s been a lot of fun, but I’m going to head out and give you guys some privacy. Besides,” she laughed, “I want to get out of here before he sees the damage done to his card.”
“My what?”
“On that note, I’m out of here.” Gabby handed him the card, gave them both a hug, and left.
“It looks like it’s just you and me, little girl.” He locked the door and advanced on her with a grin. “So tell me about my credit card. Were you naughty today?”
Her eyes widened and she licked her lips. “Oh. Yes, Daddy, I was very naughty today. Let’s have a drink, and I’ll tell you all about it.”
He stifled the groan and pretended not to have a raging hard-on by those words spoken from her sexy mouth. “Have a seat, Pip. I brought over the links for some spanking videos. Some are free, and the other two, I’ll buy as soon as we download them. Are you ready for some recon?”
She handed him a glass of red wine, and took a quick sip of hers before acknowledging him. “Actually, I found a few I kinda liked last night. Wanna see?”
Fuck, yeah. “Yes. Show me what you found.”
“Okay, this one is with a guy named Keith Jones. He doesn’t seem to do many Daddy scenes, but his mannerisms are so daddy-like, I really enjoyed his videos.” She pushed play on the remote, and the logo for Shadow Lane popped up in the upper right corner. “This company has a lot of videos. I’ve only bought three so far. But if we need to do more research, I can buy some more.”
“The precinct will reimburse you for your expenditures,” he suggested as he watched her lean forward with a gleam in her eyes.
“No, thanks. I don’t want anyone from our little group knowing how I prepared for this assignment. Cops talk a lot. Next thing I know, I’ll have paddles and hairbrushes lining my desk.”
True. With any of the other females, there would have been a fear of sexual harassment, but with Alex… They all treated her like one of the guys. Which was fine with him. Except for the implement part. He growled. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Okay, so what’s going on in this first one?”
She licked her lips and a flush crept over her cheeks. “Keith is about to catch Eve stealing from his wallet. Watch this. See how stern he is, and the way he just commands her without even touching her? That’s pretty hot.”
He tried to watch the screen, but was too focused on Alex, and the way she shifted in her seat when Keith took Eve’s panties down, baring her bottom. Alex hiccupped a little during the pleading and No, sir and Please don’t spank me’s. God, it was getting hot in here. Alex probably didn’t realize she was reacting to each bare bottom smack as it echoed through the living room. Flinching, heavy inhalations and exhales, a little bit of shimmying as if she were picturing herself over the hard knee of one of the most popular spankers in the spanking world.
Connor wished he was giving the spanking in that little kitchen with the pink toaster and coffeemaker. He pictured Alex over his knee. He would be the one bringing his hand down again and again, clapping onto her rosy cheeks while she wailed and cried and begged for forgiveness for taking that money out of his wallet. Her pussy would gleam with arousal just like Eve. But he wouldn’t take I’m sorry for an answer. And just like Keith, he would lower his smacks to reach the sensitive spot where her thighs met her bottom.
“Okay, that’s the first one. What’d you think?” Alex’s voice cut through his thoughts, jarring him back to reality.
“Yeah, that was great. I like the dramatization in these types of videos. You can see it’s all consensual, but that they’re playing as if it weren’t. That’s what the party will be like.”
“And I know they would have gone over their colors if this had been a real play scenario,” she added. “I checked that out too. Green means go, yellow means slow down, and red means, ‘damnit, asshole, if you don’t stop, I’m going to break your wrist.’”
He laughed at the memory of Alex’s version of stop with that asshole from the precinct. “Yeah, sounds good for us. Do you agree to use those colors?”
“Yes, sir.”
He loved the way her
cheeks tinged pink while she nibbled her lower lip, and he loved those words coming from her mouth. “Good girl.”
She cleared her throat and sat up straighter. “Okay, I found some really cool videos from a lady named Erica. She has her own blog, and does a lot of spanking videos and pictures. I’m saving her for last—she was my favorite. But first, here’s a free one I found on SpankingTube. It’s only five minutes, but it had some pretty cool Daddy and little girl interaction. Or at least you can tell me if this is what it’s supposed to look like.” She pushed a few buttons on the remote, and a new scene popped up with an angry man and a young, remorseful-looking woman wearing pigtails and a skirt—hell, that must have been where Alex got her new look.
Alex was hotter. But this woman did a good job of playing her part. He didn’t recognize her. The ‘little girl’ held her red-streaked bare bottom in the palms of her hands while standing in the corner. Alex would look fantastic in the corner, naked from the waist down wearing only his palm prints as she pressed her nose right into the wall. But he wouldn’t allow Alex to rub away the soreness like this daddy. The man scolded her, and told her to bend over the couch for a hard paddling. Christ, his cock had never been so hard. He alternated between watching the video and watching Alex’s reactions.
Wide-eyed and quietly whimpering and rocking back and forth, Alex was as affected as he was by the scene in front of them. He wondered if her panties were wet, her pussy slick with her juices from watching another woman get her ass spanked. And this man was letting her have it. He even winced a few times at the harshness of some of the smacks. The woman would surely be bruised after this session. He shouldn’t like the thought, but the idea of Alex sporting his palm prints and bruises on her ass turned him on. She wouldn’t go for something that harsh, though. This was all for show, and she was being the professional one, thank God.
Uh oh. Maybe not. After a few more drinks and a number of videos, he turned to see her heated gaze on him. The way she had been looking at him for the past hour—with her full appraisals of his body, her eyes locking on his for that extra second, the way she licked her lips—made him feel like divesting her of that cute schoolgirl outfit and fucking her senseless right there on the couch. He ought to put a stop to this—whatever this was—put her to bed, and call a cab.