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Undercover Daddy Page 9

  His damp, red eyes glared back at her. “He wasn’t talking about your old dog or the bike.”

  “I need to be close to you right now. Please?”

  His look said he wavered between indecision and lust but he firmed his resolve and pulled her onto his lap. “No more kissing. Come here, baby.”

  She collapsed onto his lap, finally weeping for all that she had lost, and all that she had misunderstood. Connor’s strong arms held her tightly against his chest as she let everything out, sobbing like she never had before. In his arms, she no longer felt weak or vulnerable. She felt safe cocooned inside a warm grip that smelled like motorcycle, woods, and leather. She felt his body relax against her as his chest gently shook. She was pretty sure he wasn’t laughing this time. And she didn’t care. They spent the next hour remembering the man they both lost, in each other’s arms, because there was nowhere else they could go.

  When she finally felt purged of all the most damaging of the aches, she nudged him. “Would you please take me home now?”

  “Yeah, Pip. I’ll take you home.”

  They never talked about that day again. And he did not kiss her again, but she remembered it in her dreams.

  Alex’s memories had been hitting her hard, but this was the worst it had been yet. Last week’s intimacy had reopened all the ugly thoughts and fears she had been frantically trying to keep buried. Damn it. He was just her partner. She glanced at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, not surprised to see the concerned gaze of Connor behind her. They needed to get ready for the Daddy/daughter dance—do their jobs.

  * * *

  “Pip?” Connor watched the myriad emotions flit across her face through the mirror, and knew she was remembering.

  Her eyes glistened with tears, but she blinked them away as quickly as they showed. “I’m okay.”

  “You sure?” He followed her back into their main bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Do you want to talk before we go in? I’d offer to bag the whole thing and hide out here, but—”

  “We’ve got a job to do. No, but thanks. I can do this.” She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “I was remembering that day at the quarry.”

  He nodded for her to continue.

  “For what it’s worth, I think he would have liked seeing us work together. You got your head out of your ass pretty good.” She furrowed her brow, squinching her nose in that adorable way that made him smile. “Or is it well?”

  “Grammar chat before our big assignment?”

  “Well, now you can’t tell me how I look.”

  He laughed and stood up to pull her to his chest, turned her around in a circle and held her out at arm’s length. “If it helps, I wasn’t going to use the words good or well in relation to your appearance, anyway.”

  She frowned.

  “You look fantastic.” He twirled her again and swatted her bottom. “The flowy little skirt gives me just enough to envision that pert ass hiding underneath. I want to bend you over and stroke it and smack it, and hold it.”

  A flush crept up her cheeks as she looked down at the floor, nibbling on her bottom lip.

  “And that adorable little nibble combined with pink cheeks, loose braids, your expressive, gorgeous blue eyes. Every daddy in that room is going to want you for his own.”

  His words pleased her. He could tell by the way her shoulders scrunched up and the tinge of pink crept along her neck while she averted her eyes. Just like the way she had reacted when he complimented her on a good workout or takedown on the mats. She wasn’t used to compliments. He made a mental note to give her more throughout the weekend—forever. Okay, he’d start with the weekend.

  “Um, good.” She cleared her throat and raised her chin up at him.

  “Don’t you mean well?” he joked.

  “I have no idea anymore, sir.”

  “Good, then there’s one more thing I need to give you.”

  “Um, if you’re going to spank me again, please don’t. I already went through two pairs of panties just getting ready for this thing,” she said.

  “Naughty girl,” he chuckled. “I’ll save the rest of tonight’s spankings for when you act like you need it. Do you want Daddy to spank your naughty little bottom in front of a room full of people?”

  Her sudden intake of breath hissed and her cheeks reddened even more.

  “How about if I take your bloomers down and punish you for making us late? I’ll take your lollipop away and tell you how disappointed I am in your behavior.”

  She whimpered as he towered above her. God, he loved playing with this woman.

  “I’ll spank your bare bottom right there until you beg your daddy to have mercy. All those people watching you struggle and fight over my lap. Watching your cheeks redden by my hard hand. Listening to the smacks echo throughout the room. Do you want that, baby girl?”

  “Oh.” Her breathing was rapid, and her chest fell and rose faster than he had ever seen it.

  He had never pegged her as the exhibitionist type, but after this reaction he was willing to explore a little more.

  “Dang it, Connor.” She grimaced and shook her head. “Now I need to go change my undies again. Stop doing that to me.”

  He held up a finger, stopping her in her tracks, her eyes widening when she saw the gleam in his. “Give them to me.”

  She mewled and her little nose wriggled.

  “Take off your wet panties and give them to me.”

  Damned if her eyes didn’t almost roll back in her head at that comment. He kept his face stern and devoid of emotion as she bent down and shimmied the ruffled bloomers down to her ankles, then stepped out of them. She closed her eyes and held them up to him.

  He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Do you think if you close your eyes I can’t see you?”

  “Well, it worked with monsters,” she said, groaning.

  He took the ruffled material from her and ran his fingers across the damp gusset. Make that drenched. He held them up to his nose and smelled the wonderful floral combination that was all Alex. “Have you ever tasted yourself?”

  She gasped when he took his wet fingers, drenched from her juices, and placed them in his mouth. She tasted as delicious as she smelled. “Would you like to see what you taste like?”

  “N-n-not n-n-now.” Her stuttering came back full force.

  “Okay, baby. I’ll keep them to myself.” He smiled and folded them before putting them into his pants pocket.

  “Damnit, Connor, we can’t go to the dance like this.” Aroused and angry eyes met his gaze.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You got me so jacked up, I’m like a female cat in heat. I feel like I’m going to go spray everything I see, claw other women’s eyes out, and rub against every firm pair of masculine legs I see. Plus I smell…you know…?”

  Shit, he may have taken things too far. “Sorry, I got caught up in the moment.”

  “Well, me too. All that talk about bare… ya know, and punishment in front of everyone, holy crap. I can’t focus on my job if I start humping every leg I see.”

  He chuckled.

  “It’s not funny. And you can’t be a good observer if you’re watching me shake my ass and horny pheromones at everyone. You need to fix this right now.”

  “You’re right. Just give me a second to think.”

  “We don’t have time to think.” She raised her voice and her eyes flashed with anger. “Just give me a few minutes. I’m going to go in the bathroom for a few minutes. Go down without me, and start doing your damn job. I’ll be right behind you, five minutes tops.” She rubbed her legs together and wetness dribbled down as she furrowed her brow and moaned. “Make that two. No. Ninety seconds.”

  “Are you going to do what I think you are?” He didn’t know whether he was more offended by the thought or turned on.

  “If you mean, am I going to go grab my bullet vibe, play with my clit for up to a minute and a half, and see how quickly I can orgasm, then yes.
It’s in my bag in the bathroom.”

  “Like hell you are, little girl. I not only find that extremely offensive, but I also find it really, really offensive. I’m right here.”

  “Beat two minutes, and I’ll give you twenty bucks.”

  “Ninety seconds and you’ll owe me a favor later,” he growled.

  She looked at her watch. “Your time starts in three, two, oof!”

  He threw her down on the bed and wasted no time pulling her skirt up. Having no panties on saved a few seconds. He brought his hand crashing down hard onto the center of her pale cheeks, setting a punishing pace. “I can’t believe you were going to masturbate when I’m right here.” He spanked her hard and steady and she moaned as she ground her pelvis into the bed. “Oh, no, little brat. You don’t get to stroke yourself. That’s my job.”

  He flipped her over onto her back, pulled her legs up in the air, and smacked the entire section of her ass down to her thighs, even making contact with her engorged pussy a few times. “You want to top from the bottom, baby. Daddy’s going to make you scream.”

  He slid two fingers into her wet pussy and vibrated her special spot deep inside, while continuing to smack her thighs with his other hand.

  She gripped the covers and groaned as she bucked against the bed. “God, Daddy. Please. P-pleeeease.”

  He released her and knelt between her legs, continuing to dominate her body by fucking her with his fingers, spanking her hard, then finally sucking her hard clit into his mouth. She stiffened beneath him and he thrust his fingers in deep. “Let it go, baby girl. Your body…” he tickled her clit and pinched it, “your ass,” he smacked the warm globes hard, “your orgasms. They all belong to me.” He licked her firmly between the top of her pussy lips, his tongue moving in teasing circles and sucked on her clit, then pinched the curve of her warm ass. “Come for me.” He sucked her clit harder than he had yet.

  She screamed and her whole body tensed and vibrated beneath him as she rose and fell through an intense surge of released emotions. A keening wail left her lips as she the thrummed beneath him, her clit dancing in his mouth. Her fists pounding the bed, his back, the headboard. And then she sagged to the bed, spent.

  “Holy… crap…” she said, still out of breath. “That was—”

  “Hold on.” He held up his finger and looked at his watch. “Eighty-seven seconds. You owe me a favor.”

  She giggled, and he released her from his hold and pulled her up to sit next to him on the bed. “Okay. I’m good now. Are you ready to go dance, Daddy?” She batted her eyelashes at him.

  The ache in his pants left him wanting to do much more than dance, but duty called. “Yeah,” he grunted. “You can give me my favor later. I’m going to need it.”

  “Okay,” she practically sang. “Let me get my lollipop from the counter. Thank you. Hey, were you going to give me something?”

  “Yeah.” He had forgotten between the vibrator threats, the spanking, and the orgasm. “Turn around.”

  He took the small bag from his pocket, pulled the necklace out, and placed it around her neck. He gave her a quick hug and watched her investigate it in the mirror.

  She blinked a couple of times, before smiling. “I know it’s just for this weekend, and for our cover. But I really love it.”

  The Daddy’s Little Girl charm hung from her neck, surrounded by light blue and orange crystals—her favorite colors. “You ready to go dance, baby girl?”

  She took his hand in hers, and popped the sucker out for a moment to kiss him on the cheek. “Yes, Daddy. Sorry I made us late.”

  “I’ll figure out a way to punish you later.” He opened the door and escorted her out.

  “I’m sure you will.” She grinned and bent over just a bit to give him a peek of her red cheeks under the short skirt.

  It would be hard to keep his mind on their task. Thank God one of them had gotten a release and could do their job. He shifted his pants around his aching cock. Maybe he should dump a glass of ice water down his pants to get his head back in the mission.

  “Come on, Daddy.” Alex grinned and winked at him. “We’re going to be late, and that’s not well.”


  She laughed. “Whatever.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Wow.” Alex surveyed the room of pink and white balloons and fake crystal on top of white tablecloths. The color scheme was a little cliché, but it was cute, sweet, everything she would guess a little girl would want for a dance with her father. Not that she had ever done anything like that. The Mother/son grill-out was next door, utilizing the indoor grills so they could keep their play time inside and discreet. A part of her longed for the familiarity of the smoke smell, hot dogs, root beer, and trees. Yeah, they had a climbing wall and fake trees to climb next door—right up her alley.

  But another part of her was mesmerized by the different energy in this room. A little girl in pigtails and a fluffy tutu dragged a teddy bear around behind her, crooked in her arm—God, the thing was almost as big as she was—sucking her thumb and holding her daddy’s hand. It was cute. Almost a little too cute for her tastes, but open, free, a much different release than she had ever had.

  After having lunch with a lawyer, a tenured science teacher at a huge university and a clinical neurologist, she had realized something. These men and women were playing at being young. Why hadn’t that sunk in earlier? She processed the analytical conversation she and the other women had had over Cobb salads and gluten-free pasta, and reconciled it with the adorable outfits and big smiles everyone wore now. Somehow, they made it work.

  These women wanted to do something different than what they did in their work lives or home lives. They released endorphins and actually empowered themselves by letting themselves be vulnerable. And it was all extremely vulnerable. A daddy or mommy or uncle or some sort of dominant personality telling you to bend over and receive a spanking, or to allow yourself to be bathed, or to color with another little and drink hot chocolate, and pray that no one else made fun of you. You had a certain age, made up of when you were born and what society said was appropriate for being alive those many years.

  Sucking on a lollipop, hugging a teddy, coloring, wearing tutus… none of it fit logically into society’s critical view. Yet, these people were here, and they weren’t ashamed of dropping pretenses and enjoying their moment to get their needs met. It made her feel warm, relaxed—still a little conflicted, but it was nice. She liked letting go right now, and just being free to be… Alex. When she was done, she would pull her big girl panties back on, literally. But for now, she could let herself be a little vulnerable.

  She loved the sexy side of the dominance and submission. Calling Connor Daddy with a sexy lilt to her voice, his gruff, low voice talking about spanking her bare bottom. God, it made her wet just to think about. And it helped that she knew it wasn’t real. It was pretend, like a game they could play, and when it was over, they could just fold up the board and put away the pieces.

  But she also liked how safe she felt in his arms. Like that time she had cried and he had just held her on his lap. She wouldn’t have felt comfortable calling him Daddy then. That part didn’t call to her. But she did like the energy behind it. How he nurtured her and protected her and made her feel warm and soft and loved and cherished. She had never gotten that from her father.

  And now that she had two different sides meshed together, she wasn’t sure she even wanted to visualize it. What she had with Connor, at least for this weekend while they were on their mission, was different. And it felt more real than any other emotion she had ever felt.

  Connor held two sides of a coin, which confused her. Here was this amazing, strong man, who could take a bullet, fight a druggie on crack, and protect a city with his power and wits. He was perfect, and he made her want to be a better cop.

  But he also made her melt inside. The way his eyes crinkled with laughter, the way he held her when she was upset, God, the way he made her body explo
de. The way he showed his emotions. He wasn’t the tough guy who thought it was weak to show how you really felt. She had only seen him cry that one time, but it had opened her eyes to the strength in him. His ability to openly mourn with her had helped her more than anything else could have. She felt safe in so many ways when she was with him.

  And he respected her as a partner and a friend. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit to wanting to be more than friends with him. But they were partners now. And that stuff didn’t mix. They would finish the job, and then see what happened at the end. Besides, he was probably just going through the motions too.

  She made a decision to let go for a little while and get to know some of these amazing women and men. It would give her some great insight into this scene. And it would help her track down the bad guy.

  “Hi, I’m Becky.” The girl with the huge teddy smiled at her. “I’ll let you hold my teddy. Do you have any more suckers?”

  “Abso!” She fished out a blue cotton candy-flavored one with bubble gum in the middle of it, and handed it to her. “I’m Alex.”

  “I’m a dentist,” Becky said, giggling. “Shh, don’t tell my daddy. We can go find somewhere to hide and floss later. Right now, I just want to have some fun.”

  Alex smiled and took the oversized teddy from her, while the other woman unwrapped her sucker and placed it in her mouth with a delighted moan.

  “Come on, I’ll introduce you to some of my friends.” She hooked arms with her, and Alex dragged the teddy along.

  “Alex, this is Gigi, Calli, and Mackenzie.” Three sets of friendly eyes looked up from their coloring to meet hers.

  “Hi. Want to join us?” One of them pointed to a chair and an extra My Little Pony coloring book with stickers.

  “Um, I’m not sure coloring is my thing.” She felt stupid saying that while holding a bear that would probably fit in her old hand-me-downs from her early high school days. Oh, crap, had she offended them?