Undercover Daddy Page 7
“Come on, baby girl.” He tugged her gently past a little boy sucking on a lollipop while holding onto his mama’s leg and running a small toy car up her thigh.
“First time playing in public?” a young woman with dark brown eyes and long pigtails asked, nodding at Alex.
Alex furrowed her brow and opened her mouth, but nothing came out.
“Yes, it’s her first time. This is all a little overwhelming for her.” Connor smiled and squeezed Alex’s hand, trying to alleviate some of her nerves.
“No worries,” the young woman chirped happily. “I’m Debs. Part-time kitten, part-time little, all brat—at least that’s what Sir says.” She laughed and stretched out her hand for Alex to shake. “It’s overwhelming, I get it. You should have seen me last year. Jonathan, that’s my Sir, had to practically carry me down the hall, I was so nervous. It’s awkward playing in front of other people and seeing how they do their stuff. But don’t worry. You’ll get used to it. See ya soon!” She started to walk away, then turned back. “I almost forgot. Here. It gives you something to focus on.” She handed Alex a green blow pop. “Don’t worry, I didn’t lick it. Enjoy!”
Alex laughed and took the sucker, unwrapped it, and placed it in her mouth, thanking her.
“You going to be okay? Want me to carry you?” Connor was teasing, but he would if she wanted him to.
“Oh, for Pete’s sake.” Her eyes flashed. “I can handle this.”
“That’s my girl.”
He loved how resilient she was. She might be completely out of her comfort zone, but Alex was going to do what she did best—adapt and overcome.
At the end of the hall, a mousy woman with glasses perched on her nose sat at a small table. This was where they would get their official conference packet, sign up for the pageant, and sign all the liability forms. Other couples sat in straight-backed chairs against the walls, reading and filling out their paperwork.
“You sit here, baby girl.” He pressed Alex into one of the empty chairs, in between a Goth-looking submissive and a male pony. “I’ll be right back.”
Her answer came in the form of a hard smack as the lolli popped out of her mouth. She was getting comfortable, and her inner brat would help her along the way.
Grabbing the paperwork and thanking the young woman for her thorough explanation, he went back and found Alex deep in conversation with the dark eye-shadowed, pierced woman.
“So you own your own catering company. That’s amazing.” Alex nodded her head and smiled as Connor came to stand next to them.
“I like it. It gives me a chance to hone my culinary creativity and make some money.”
“People don’t mind the look?”
He growled a small warning, reminding her not to be rude.
The black-haired woman smiled at him. “Tell your daddy it’s okay. I’m not offended.”
Alex stuck her tongue out at him, and he fought hard not to laugh out loud. And for a second there, he had been worried she wouldn’t make it through this. She’d be fine.
“I don’t wear my makeup this heavy when I’m meeting customers. I try to follow my own energy, but I have enough business under my belt to know I still need to conform a tiny bit to social norms. When I do conservative family parties, I tie my hair in a loose bun, and wear natural coloring makeup. I keep the tongue ring though.” She flicked her tongue out at them. “Sometimes, I get bar gigs, college jobs, and catering events in this scene. Then I can wear whatever I like. This is my favorite look. I get to be edgy, dark, show off my fun side. Want to see my nipple piercings?”
Alex leaned forward, her head cocked to the side, her brows furrowed. “Yeah. Sure! I’ve never had anything but my ears pierced. Did it hurt?”
The woman pulled down her top and displayed her glorious set of pale breasts with perky rose-colored areolas, with beautiful white diamonds hanging from them. “Yeah, it hurt. But my master made me forget about the pain. I like it rough.” She leaned in and whispered toward her, “I can tell you are new to this. Don’t let it freak you out. Everything you see here is consensual.” She flicked her nipple and the diamond bobbed up and down, mesmerizing Alex as it shone in the light.
“Are you ready to go?” A man dressed in a tight black t-shirt and black pants addressed the woman and she sank quickly to her knees in front of him.
“Yes, Master.” She winked at Alex before looking back down to the floor.
The man took her hair and pulled her head back. He kissed her on the lips while groping her hard nipples, then released her. Her eyes flushed with desire and she licked her dark black lips, the tongue ring glistening in the light.
“I like this look. Take the skirt off too, and we’ll head back to our room.”
“Yes, Master.” She sidled out of her tight skirt, baring the lower half of her body, and smiled seductively up at him. Bending over so her chest rubbed along the carpet, she practically purred when he smacked her ass, hard. She mouthed a quick goodbye, before being attached to a small leash on her collar and led down the hall.
“Wow. That was hot and strange at the same time.”
“Just keep your mind open.” Connor sat down in the vacated chair and pulled her closer to him. “Okay, first let’s go over your limits again. This is official. What happens here stays here, and it has to be acknowledged on this list.” He led her through the next few sections. “If you check the hard limit box for rape fantasy or kidnapping for example, the only way I can play with you this way is if you go back in and change this on the form.”
“Well, I’m not sure what my hard limits are yet. Fire play, knives, wax? Okay, yeah, those.” She wrinkled her forehead and continued to check off boxes. “Most of these are new to me, and I might not mind exploring them if we have time. Oh, wait, we don’t have time. We’re here unde—”
He grabbed her, ensured she was holding her lollipop and not sucking it, tossed her over his knee, and started raining hard swats on her skirt-covered bottom.
“Ow, ow. Ohhhh.” She finally stopped fighting him and relaxed over his leg. “Sorry. I am a bit out of sorts. Um, Daddy?”
Crap, maybe he should have waited before spanking her in front of a crowd. But he wasn’t taking any chances on getting outed and ruining this case.
“Daddy?” Her stubborn voice got a notch stronger, shaking him from his thoughts. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention, and I was being rude. I’ll let you spank me. Sorry.”
Well, hell.
She shimmied her bottom up at him, surprising him by lifting her skirt to show off her Super Girl boy-shorts underneath. She was accepting this role with as much dignity as one could with their underwear shown and their skirt over their back. Okay. One quick reminder spanking.
“Remember where we are, young lady,” he growled and brought his hand down hard in the center of her bottom. He gave her five more crisp swats to each buttock and quickly pulled her up to sit on his knee. “Okay, all done for now.” He pulled her hand up to her mouth and helped her place her sucker back in her mouth. “We can talk more later, but for now, let’s finish our paperwork and get all checked in.”
“Yes, Daddy.” She pulled a strand of golden hair behind her ear, her cheeks still blushing furiously, then kissed him tentatively on the cheek. “Thank you for the reminder,” she smiled.
He loved this sweet, compliant side of her. A little naughty mixed with nice in just the right way, making his cock surge to life and his chest heat. Damn, it was going to be hard to not lose himself in this woman.
The rest of the paperwork didn’t take long. They were both in the same mindset when it came to exploration and their contracts mirrored each other’s. They also signed the legal forms—no cell phones in play areas, absolutely no pictures, what happens at the conference stays at the conference… How to get a hold of security, where was off limits to play, who could play, etc. The biggest thing was the nondisclosure agreement. There were players from different walks of life, and some of them had big reputati
ons to uphold—rumor had it there was a state representative and a circuit court judge here. Hush, hush, have your fun, and leave it here for next year. It was that simple, along with the up to one million dollar fine and ten years in federal prison warning.
After they submitted their paperwork, received their colored wrist badges and itinerary, they met with the leaders of the group: John Helms, Melissa Franklin, and a dude named Jansen. He and another man and woman met them in a small conference room to discuss their plans. Jansen had a large nose and small eyes and bad breath and he did not seem as happy with their being there.
“I don’t know why I wasn’t informed of this,” Jansen grumbled again for the third time, and clenched and unclenched his fists as he read over the report.
“We just came to the decision last week, Hal, and you didn’t accept any of my calls or texts until last night,” the older lady with silver hair said crisply to him.
“I was on vacation.”
“That’s not my fault. You have the information now.”
“They are not in the scene. What if they take this information or any of the events to the public eye? What if they think what we are doing is abusive and bring in a whole SWAT team to arrest us all and then take it public? What if someone from our group figures out we allowed these plants; how are they going to trust our parties and the environment?”
“Mr. Jansen,” Alex jumped in smoothly. “We at the Newmarsh PD want nothing more than to help you find out who is behind your death threats and to keep your players safe. That is our only goal. We were picked for this mission, not only due to our abilities to keep our mouths shut, but also our open-mindedness and willingness to explore and learn from your group in a safe setting. We have signed all the necessary paperwork, including the documents we brought with us, declaring that you won’t in turn sue us or the state. We are here to help, if you’ll allow us to do our jobs.”
Jansen narrowed his eyes at her. “I didn’t ask you to come in and pretend to play in our scene. I still don’t like it.”
“To be perfectly frank, I don’t care how you feel about this situation,” Alex said firmly before Connor could comment. “They asked our department to look into these death threats so your small town’s officers wouldn’t be so easily figured out as cops. Our captain gave us this assignment, and we agreed to take it. Mr. Helms and Miss Franklin agreed wholeheartedly for us to take it on. If you have any further issues, I suggest you take it up with one of them. They are the three people I will be answering to while I am here.”
“This is exactly why I don’t want this trash in here, in my group,” Jansen roared and stood up, his glass of water tipping over and sloshing onto his report. “This little bitch doesn’t even understand protocol or dominance or submission or how to properly react to a dom.”
“Excuse me?” Alex’s body went from relaxed to lethal within milliseconds. “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? I don’t know what Idiot’s Guide to fucking Dominance and Submission fucking book you read, but—”
“Jansen, that’s enough.” Connor barely raised his voice, but everyone around him froze. He pierced the Neanderthal, Jansen, with a harsh glare. “You will address my partner with respect for the rest of the time we’re here, or you’re going to have a serious problem.” He cleared his throat and stood up to tower over the idiot. “Sir, ma’am, we are here to do a job. If you have changed your mind about our presence, please let us know now, so we do not waste any more of your or our time.” He addressed the other two pale-faced individuals at the table.
“Mr. Jansen has no say in this matter.” Miss Franklin frowned. “We just brought him in out of courtesy. I’m sorry for any problems this caused you. Yes, we stand by our original agreement and our contracts as stated. Please stay for the weekend. Play as a real couple in the scene. And monitor the littles pageant. Our security force will take care of any issues you bring to them. But without you on the inside, it might be too late to keep them safe.”
“And you’re sure you don’t want to just cancel the whole thing?” Alex spoke through clenched teeth. Her taut form was like a tightly wound guitar string, ready to snap.
“We can’t. We don’t know if the threat is real, and honestly, the money this year is going to a huge cause.”
“I still think you should consider telling everyone about the threat.”
“We’re considering it. But what if they just wait until the event is over? This is our best chance to catch the asshole, in a contained environment.”
“All right, ma’am. We’ll leave it to your discretion,” Connor said, and turned to Alex. “Would you mind stepping out for just a moment? I’ll be right behind you.”
“Oh, hell, no—”
The look he gave her stopped her in her tracks.
“Fine.” She sighed and rolled her eyes, before giving a crisp salute and walking out the door with one final glare at the jackass.
“She would make one hell of a middle—too bad we don’t have a middle pageant,” Helms said, grinning as he and Miss Franklin walked out the door.
“You have no idea,” Connor grinned back, before turning back to Jansen.
The man growled and looked ready to lunge over the table at him. “You’re going to try to beat me up, little man?”
“Nope, I’m going to stop holding my partner back, and let her go to town on you. I’m doing my best to keep her in check, but if you keep disrespecting her like that—as a grown woman, a fully decorated officer of the law who not only knows how to handle herself in harsh situations, but has also singlehandedly taken down men much stronger and bigger than you—then yeah, I won’t need to kick the shit out of you. She’ll beat me to it. And I’ll be right there cheering her on. That’s my partner, and even though you might see her get her bare ass painted red this weekend, she’s mine, and she deserves respect. Do you get me, little man?” He threw his words back in his face.
“Yeah, I get it. Hey.” Jansen slumped and rubbed a tension headache from his forehead. “I’m sorry. I’ve been under a lot of stress and I’m not handling it very well. Apologize to her for me?”
“You can do it yourself the next time you see her.”
“All right.”
“I’m going to head out and get us situated. If you need anything from us, you know where to find us. Thanks.” He closed the door behind him and walked into a wide-eyed, yet still visibly angry partner.
“Holy crap. Did you mean all that stuff you said?”
“Every bit.” He smacked her ass and pulled her in for a tight hug. “Let’s go back to the room. I need to release some energy.”
“I think I can help you with that, Daddy.” She grinned coyly.
“Naughty girl. I like the way you think.” He pulled her up and over his shoulder as she shrieked with laughter.
“Let me down!”
He smacked the back of her skirt and pulled it up, so her panties were on display as they walked down the hall. “Not a chance, little girl. I’ve got you right where I want you.”
Chapter Nine
“Come on, Pip. The dance started fifteen minutes ago.”
Alex frowned at her reflection in the mirror. The Daddy/daughter dance was the highlight of the conference. Well, second to the pageant, anyway. Her long hair had been plaited into two separate braids—Connor had helped after she’d had a meltdown in their hotel bathroom. Giggling, she remembered exactly his version of saving the day. He had bent her over the sink and spanked her until she was a huge puddle of emotions, and then fucked her with his finger so damn well that she had screamed her climax. After a quick kiss to the head and mock stern reminder to behave, he’d quickly one, two, three’ed her hair into braids. She tried to tease him about that skill, but he shrugged it off as a necessary survival skill.
Now she was looking at a younger version of her twenty-five-year-old self, complete with braids, pink lip gloss, and a sundress with matching bloomers. She couldn’t help but be intimidated and excited by he
r transformation. She looked like she belonged here. But what if her thoughts betrayed her? What if she screwed up the biggest assignment of her life? Someone could be hurt or killed; she would lose the only job she had ever known. Not because Captain DiMarco would can her, but she would quit, knowing how many people she’d let down, and Connor would be devastated. A man like him did everything for the right reasons, and wouldn’t do well with a failure like this. She couldn’t let them all down.
Especially Connor. She had loved being over his knee last week during their little impromptu practice session. The way he made her body come alive, and that was just the spankings. But his gentle side had really done a doozy on her. She could still remember the way he had massaged and brushed her hair before she fell asleep. The man oozed testosterone, yet he could still melt her with a soft touch or word. When he’d asked if she was okay after their night of lovemaking…Was it lovemaking? No, it had been raw and real and amazing. But not love. They hadn’t made… love. They’d just brought each other to mutual satisfaction through very loudly exclaimed pleasure after practicing for their roles. That was it. He was her partner. He would never look at her as anything but Frank’s daughter, or as a fellow cop. And she wasn’t going to let her partner down. She couldn’t. There was too much at stake. Oh, no, she was starting to feel flighty again.
“You’ve got that look on your face.” Connor walked in and leaned against the doorway, folding his arms against his chest.
“What look?” She stopped her shaking hand long enough to dab on the twentieth coat of shiny pink lip gloss, avoiding his gaze.
He turned her around so she had to peer up into his dark eyes, took the lip gloss away from her, and set it on the counter behind her. “It’s a cross between a panicked doe about to run into the bushes and a crazy bungee jumper who decides fuck it, I’m just going to jump now. I’ll check the measurements later.”
“That bad?”
“I’ve seen worse.”
Her father’s funeral. That had been the worst day of her entire life, and she had been a mess.