Undercover Daddy Read online

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  “Rosemont is a small town. They didn’t want to take any chances on their own people being recognized by the hotel staff or a member of the group,” Captain DiMarco explained, pointing at his manila file. “And I’m friends with their captain. When he explained his issue, I told him I had the perfect woman for the job. David just got here.” He handed Alex the file. “He’s a dom from a nearby dungeon and has agreed to teach you what you need to know, and to play your daddy for the event. It’s next week. You’d better get started.”

  “Hold up, Captain.” Connor jumped in. “Alex hasn’t agreed to take the assignment.” He turned to see her pale face and wide eyes. He placed his hand on her knee to stop another round of tapping. “You can say no. This is your choice to accept or reject this mission.”

  She shrugged, and for a moment he saw the pain of a young woman who had just lost her father in her eyes. She’d be pissed if she lost it right there in front of him and the captain.

  “Pip, you’re going to need to give an affirmative or a negative out loud. Head shaking will only get your bottom spanked after this.” Connor said the last part as a joke, but knew it would get her going.

  Fire in her eyes, she stood up with a loud hiss and glared daggers at him. “I’ll take the mission,” she said to the captain. “And you.” She seethed and rose up as high as her five foot one inch height would take her to point into Connor’s face. “Mats when this is over. Your ass is mine.”

  “We’ll see, Pip.”

  “Want one of us to walk you down to meet David? He’s going to talk things over with you in Interrogation Room Two so you can have some privacy,” Captain DiMarco said as she was leaving with the file clutched closely to her chest.

  “I think I can figure out how to introduce myself to a daddy dom without getting lost. I’m just pretending to be little, remember?” She stalked out of the room before either could say a word.

  “I’ll keep an eye on her.” Connor would follow through on this promise. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight. Not until he felt she was safe with this other man.

  Connor watched and listened from the one-sided mirror as introductions were made, and they sat down to go over the report. David was tall, maybe six feet, one hundred sixty pounds give or take, lean, but not overly muscular, a bit of a pot belly, receding hairline, and gray around his temples. Besides a ballpoint pen and a potential paper cut from their file, there were no real weapons with which David could harm her. David, what the hell kind of stupid name was that? David, the dom. Did he introduce himself that way to everyone? He had, just a moment ago to Pip. David the dom didn’t look like much of a dominant. He looked like an asshole who got off on using his size to intimidate others. And the way David kept closing in on her personal space was starting to piss Connor off. He made a life out of reading people, and this guy was giving him all the wrong vibes. Then again, maybe it was Alex. Would he be sitting on the other side of a one-way mirror with the sound almost at its max, with his fists clenched, ready to jump into action at a moment’s notice if it were anyone else? Shit. He needed to back off and give her some space. Maybe she was right—maybe he was a bit too overprotective of her.

  David explained what the party would look like, what the other littles might wear, while Alex nodded and continued her perusal of the file.

  “Yeah, that makes sense. We’ll just be there in observation mode, while gaining information from the inside.”

  All Alex had to do was watch and get information. It should be pretty easy for her. The woman was easygoing and fun—except when around Connor. She liked to play and enjoy life and was quite young at heart naturally. She would have no trouble adapting to the roleplay. If she could get past the kink.

  A lot of the littles would be getting their bottoms spanked while at this conference. Connor had never played a daddy before, but he’d had plenty of experience as a dom in the dungeon he used to belong to. That had been a while ago. Now, the idea of seeing Alex in some white lacy bloomers that he would pull down, baring her bottom to spank her over his knee, made him shift and try to get comfortable even though his aching cock was giving him no relief. There was no way he would let the captain know about his past and take on this kind of mission. BTDT. Been there, done that. And he wasn’t roleplaying again, especially not with someone from work—someone who already saw him as unwanted brother figure. It was too messy. And Alex didn’t deserve any more mess in her life.

  They got past the initial paperwork, and signed all the forms for security and liability. Bells started ringing in his head. He hadn’t been sure about the guy at first when his back had been turned to the mirror. Connor had thought the hunching and posture was what was making him feel off about the man. But now that he saw his eyes, something clicked deeper. This man wasn’t a good dom. How he could tell from one look, he didn’t know. He could just feel it. Every hair had stood up on his arm and every nerve had fired. Connor stood up and leaned forward, turning the volume up higher.

  “Take off your clothes and lie over my lap,” David commanded.

  It was natural for the man to suggest that they practice and get used to each other. But the leer in his eyes and his body language screamed at Connor to turn on the microphone and tell Alex to get the hell away from the man—he wasn’t trustworthy.

  “Um, no. I’ve never done this play stuff before but I’m pretty sure I get some sort of ‘get out of jail free’ card or I get to say no or something like that.” She shrugged. “I need to do some research on this first, and I’ll let you know when I’m ready for you to touch any part of my body—with my permission.”

  “That’s not how it works,” David said, growling and standing to loom over her. “I’m the strong one. You are the weak one. You obey me, or I blister your ass. You get it, sweetheart?”

  She laughed. Holy fuck, she laughed right in his face, and stood up, turning her back to walk out. “You’re not my daddy, you’re not my dom. And you don’t have my permission to call me sweetheart. Sorry. This isn’t going to work out.”

  She continued walking to the door, ignoring the raging man behind her.

  Shit. Connor stormed out of the room as the jackass jumped her from behind.

  He opened the door ready to kick the everlasting fuck out of the man, fists clenched, full on warrior mode, but stopped in the entryway.

  Alex was standing, legs spread, over the back of the groaning man, who was trying desperately to stop the blood flow from his nose. “You mroke by bucking dose! Mbitch!”

  “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you by your former little girl who just kicked your ass and will have no problem doing it again if you ever pull this shit with another female. Do you get what I’m saying?” She pulled his arm back just enough to make the man grunt in pain. “Daddy?”

  “Got it.”

  She carefully helped him to his feet and looked at Connor. “Would you mind getting him out of here before I change my mind and press charges against him?”

  He flagged down another officer who happened to be walking down the aisle at the same time, and quickly explained the situation before closing the door behind him and Alex. “We need to talk.”

  * * *

  Alex sat down with an exaggerated huff. It was bad enough the asshole had tried to assault her, and had gotten her all jacked up. But to have Connor running in like some knight in shining armor thinking she needed protection… that got her heart racing even faster. And not in the good kind of way like when she had an awesome workout, but rather, the overstimulated, ‘going to crash in ten minutes’ kind of way. She could take care of herself, and he damn well knew it.

  Hell, he had personally trained her in some of the moves she now used frequently on the mats. As a rookie five years ago, her father had taken Connor under his wing, taught him everything he knew. Connor was like the son that dear old Dad had always wanted—while getting stuck with her instead. Every night, she was regaled with stories of the yo
ung, new hotshot who was going places; his awesome shot group on the weapons course; his best times on the obstacle course. But had her father ever said anything about her tight shot grouping—which was only two points behind Connor Doyle’s, even before she had become a cop? And the obstacle course? She had rocked that. But no. It had always been Connor this… Officer Doyle that… my partner… my best friend… a great guy. She wanted to hate him, but couldn’t. The man had always been so nice to her, never talking down to her even though she had still been a zit-faced teenager with a bit of stuttering problem when she got excited. And though she would never admit it aloud, the man had been the focus of both her day and nighttime dreams.

  Sturdy jaw and high cheekbones; a set of abs that should have been portrayed in a hot fireman calendar; straight white teeth; dark eyes that became more intense when he was angry. The only imperfection was a slightly crooked nose that he said he’d received from some roughhousing on the farm. Men. A little fun roughhousing always seemed to include something broken or bleeding. On anyone else, it would have made him look like a thug. But on Connor, it made him more perfect. Perfectly imperfect.

  The go-to guy. Mr. Dependable. The best son a man could ever want—too bad her father got stuck with her.

  Her boasting record hadn’t been too shabby. Straight A’s, captain of a winning soccer team, tight shot groups, her pilot’s license at seventeen, black belts, awards, camping, you name it. She did it, and did it well. But she had never shone in her father’s eyes. Because she was Alexis Mary Grace Makowski, only daughter to a father who wanted a son. And losing her mother when she was only two had made it even harder on both of them.

  But Dad had gotten lucky, and Connor had come into their lives. The perfect rookie, perfect stand-in son, perfect partner. And now her father was gone. Killed in a routine traffic stop. And his perfect partner was still here. Trying to fill Dad’s shoes?

  She growled and shook out her fists, and shifted in her seat to see him coolly assessing her. “You don’t have to always try to save the day, you know. I can take care of myself.”

  “I was more worried about the other guy and a lawsuit.” He shrugged. “You did sign paperwork that allowed you to work on the case together.”

  “He attacked me from behind in an attempt to strike me without my permission. The paperwork nowhere near covered that!”

  “That’s why you need a new partner for this one. Someone you can trust.”

  “No shit, Sherlock,” she mumbled under her breath. A sharp flick at her thigh caused her to cringe. “Ow.”

  “Watch your language, Pip.”

  “Fine.” She rubbed the sore spot where he had just snapped his finger into her thigh. “So who are my options? Carmichael?”

  “Vacationing in Kentucky. Don’t ask, it’s a long story.” He laughed.


  “Broken wrist. He won’t be able to spank you.”

  “There’s the upside. Definitely not Alexander, Crawford, or Hernandez. I’ve kicked their asses one too many times in the ring, and they will want payback—on my ass.” She cringed at the thought of one of them taking out their poor masculine ego deficiencies on her butt. “Not them. Oh. Or Jones. Or Caldwell.” Crap. They were running out of potential people. And she sure as hell wasn’t going in with another experienced dom from a dungeon. That had gone so well. She rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair. “Come on, there’s got to be someone else.”

  “There is. And you’re not going to like it.” He pinned her with a dark stare.

  “Oh. No, no, no, no!” She added in a dozen more ‘no’s’ for emphasis and held up her hands as if to warn him off.

  “Unfortunately, I’m all that’s left.”

  “Not you!” God, she hated that her voice sounded so whiny. She caught herself just in time and stopped herself from stomping her feet.

  “Come on, Pip. It’s not going to be that bad. You seem to think I’m going to have you bare-assed over my knee for the entire weekend.” He turned thoughtful and grinned. “Not that you don’t need it every once in a while. But no. I’m just trying to give you an alternative for someone you already trust and know. And for the record, I don’t really want this mission either.”

  That hit her like a punch to the solar plexus. Of course he wouldn’t want to team up with her. He hated her. She was the screw-up kid of the hero cop, and he was Sergeant Perfect. She couldn’t decide if she wanted to ball up in the corner and cry like a girl or punch the cocky bastard in his misshapen nose.

  “I don’t mean it like that, Pip.” His voice softened and he walked over and got down on his haunches right next to her. Dang. Even on his knees, he still towered over her.

  “Look at me,” he commanded. His gaze was firm yet compassionate. “I didn’t mean I don’t want to work with you. I just don’t want to see you get hurt. And when you’re around me, you tend to act a bit more rash than normal. Like you’re trying to prove something to the world, especially me. If we go in there, and you get hurt because of me… Listen, I just don’t want you hurt.”

  “But you’re willing to hurt my butt and pretend you like it.”

  “First of all, it’s a spanking. It’s not going to kill you. I’ve gotten better hits on you in the ring.”


  “Second.” His eyes darkened. “I wouldn’t pretend to enjoy it.”

  Oh, God. His wide smile made him look feral and dangerous, and her panties dampened at the thought of him pushing her over the table and having his way with her right there.

  “So you just want to get kinky?” She frowned at the sudden thought. Friends with benefits were not her thing.

  “No, I respect you too much for a casual wham bam thank you ma’am.”

  “Then why do you insist on calling me Pipsqueak even after I threaten you with bodily harm?”

  “Because you’re an adorable pipsqueak, and I like you.”

  Great, adorable and tiny. Just what every woman wanted to be called. “You don’t show it very well.”

  “About the kiss—”

  “Don’t worry about it.” She cut him off and stood up. He followed suit, and his six foot two frame towered over her. “We both know that was a mistake. It won’t happen again.”

  He cursed under his breath.

  “Watch your language, Doyle. Or does Mommy need to turn you over her knee?”

  Connor’s eyes narrowed and the pulse in his neck throbbed as he seemed to gain a few more inches in height. “Gym. Now.”

  She had pushed too far, and had awoken the sleeping bear. Oh, crap. Was it too late to apologize and just ask him to spank her?

  Chapter Three

  The gym was empty except for him and Alex. Fast-paced music played from a stereo in the back, and Connor went to turn it down, while Alex nervously retied her tennis shoes for the third time. He was glad the gym was here in the back of the station. It gave him a chance to work off some energy. And the way Alex had been thrumming with pent-up energy all morning, she needed a chance to get it out too. Last time he had let her go out like this, she had given out sixty-three parking tickets on Main Street—it just happened to be the evening of the mayor’s inaugural speech and after the seven p.m. cut-off for the meters.

  So he always made sure to bring her to the gym every week or two. It was almost the same as when he would give out a maintenance spanking in his past relationships. All of his serious relationships had incorporated dominance and submission. It was a great way for him and the woman he was dating to let off steam in a safe setting, and if he were perfectly honest, it made sex that much better.

  The thought of spanking Alex had been tormenting him for the past three years. Her firm body, well defined muscles and core, sculpted shoulders. Long, lean legs leading up to her ass. Round, firm, with a bit of jiggle when she wore biker shorts, it was perfect for spanking.

  But he wasn’t here to spank her. He needed to help her get her emotions back in check so she could make the right decisio
n going into this mission. He really did hope she would pass on the assignment. But if she didn’t, he was going to make her see he was her best bet as a partner. He had been watching her back for the past three years without her knowing. She could continue thinking he disliked her, but she needed to know she could trust him. That he would always protect her. Just like her father had.

  But his feelings toward Alex were anything but paternal. He wanted her body splayed out beneath him as he fucked her hard. Her body would be limp and wet with arousal, and he would hold her so tightly it would be hard to breathe. Then he would make slow love to her again. Kiss her everywhere. Lick her, touch her. Stroke every inch of her perfect body. He would claim her as his own again and again. She would beg for her release, and he would only give it when he was ready. And the spankings he would give her? His cock hardened at the thought of her luscious ass turning crimson from his hand, his belt, his Lexan paddle. He would go harder and longer each time. She was a tough little thing, and he bet his next year’s salary she would get off on the pain.

  But this wasn’t the time. She was ready to release some endorphins. And if he couldn’t spank her, this was the next best thing.

  “Prepare for drills.”

  She moved swiftly over the mat. She might say she hated being told what to do, but her actions spoke louder than words. When he commanded, she obeyed. Funny. She didn’t know she did that. She would be a perfect submissive for him. But he’d never let that happen again. That one kiss after her father’s funeral had solidified that for him. He would never risk hurting her. But making her hurt in a different way? “When I get done with you, you’re going to ache so bad, you’re going to feel it in your dreams.”

  That gleam in her eyes. Fists clenched. Sudden intake of breath. She was ready for her maintenance time.

  “Run in place.” They both started running, knees high, balls of their feet, rapid pounding on the floor. “Pushups.” She threw herself down a half second before he did and started hammering out perfect pushups. Her triceps rippled with each push, and her abs tightened. She wasn’t even breaking a sweat yet. She would soon. He was taking her to her max today. “Stretch for a minute, and then go to the bags.” He turned up the music and the loud thumping bass filled the room. “Now it’s time to hurt.”