Undercover Daddy Read online

Page 11

  “You have been such a naughty girl, making Daddy wait like that.” He slapped the center of her bottom cheek, and she groaned and pressed herself back up to meet him. “What do you think all these people are thinking right now—watching you get your bare bottom punished?”

  “Oh, God.”

  “That’s Daddy to you, young lady.” He released a flurry of smacks onto her thighs and she howled.

  “Yes, Daddy. I’m sorry. Please.”

  “What do you want, little girl?” He smacked her again.

  Her chest was heaving and her heart was pitter-pattering against his legs. “Punish me,” she groaned. “Harder.”

  “Naughty little thing, getting turned on by your spanking.” He smacked her hard twice on each side, and turned his chair so her lower half faced their audience. “Show them.” He slapped the inside of her legs, and her legs spread wide, giving everyone a glimpse of just how unstrung she was over his lap. He was about to ask her if it was too much, if he was crossing a line, when she hooked her left leg over his and began humping him.

  The crowd murmured its approval as she rubbed her wet clit against his pants. Damnit, he was about to come unglued himself. Out of the corner of his eye, a woman dropped to her knees and started pulling her partner’s zipper down. Another pulled her skirt up for her daddy to stroke her while they watched. This was surreal. He should have been mortified that he was even thinking about following through with this hedonistic display with Alex. But he wasn’t. His cock was too busy reminding him of just how damned aroused he was. He would finish their show, then take his woman back to their room and fuck her senseless. Anything less would kill him.

  Smacking her ass a few more times, he pressed her down harder onto his knee. “Keep doing that. Don’t stop, little girl.” Already getting out of breath and overheated with lust, she continued grinding as he smacked her ass, the sound echoing throughout the room. Obviously someone else wanted their own happy ending.

  He gave her one more hard swat, and she erupted against his leg, shrieking as she flailed and flopped and gripped his knee for all she was worth. Her arousal drenched his pants, seeping through the dark material and onto his skin. She sagged against him with a loud groan.

  “Oh, no.” He brought her back up so she was over his lap again, but this time straddled her with his own leg, holding her in place. “I’m not through with you. Do you know what happens to little girls who orgasm without Daddy’s permission?”

  “N-no. Oh.” Her flushed face met his.

  “Daddy’s going to make you come so hard you scream.”

  “No, please, I can’t.” She shuddered against him, but he held her firm and struck her thighs again. With a moan, she collapsed over his lap.

  “Yes, you can. And you will for all these people watching you.” He squeezed her hot cheek and she moaned. “They want to see a very naughty girl get punished.”

  “Ah!” She groaned when he tickled her clit and pinched it.

  “Oh, yes, Daddy’s going to punish you in front of all these people. I’m going to punish your ass inside and out. And you’re going to see stars. Then you’re going to apologize to everyone for being so naughty and orgasming without my permission.”

  He took a bit of her moisture from her nether lips and ran it along her puckered back hole, and her whole body tightened in response. “Let me in, little girl,” he admonished and smacked her left thigh.

  She raised her bottom to him while shaking her head so violently he worried she might get whiplash. He was worried he might be pushing her too far. Shit. Would she say her safe word if she needed it? Damnit, the woman was as stubborn as a mule.

  “I’m going to need your color. Right now,” he said quietly, taking her out of her zone, and she frowned up at him. “Color, Pip. Color.” He smacked the back of her thigh extra hard for emphasis.

  “Damnit, I’m green! I didn’t want to have to say anything, jack-head!” Her loud reply had the whole room laughing.

  Well, shit, this whole thing was confusing enough. He should have read her body language better, but didn’t want to take any chances. “Fine. I’m continuing.” He squeezed her bottom and pushed her back down.

  “No. I’m done now.” She pouted angrily at him. “I had a really good thing going in my head, but you just had to—ayiee!”

  He pinched her clit, just to get her to quiet down for a moment. “I didn’t say we were done, little girl.” He took a handful of her hair and tugged gently but firmly so she had to tilt her head and meet his gaze. Her eyes were wild and wide and angry. “Suck.” He maneuvered his left fingers in front of her and held them up to her mouth.

  “Why?” Her petulant tone announced she was still frustrated at being taken out of her zone. She’d get it back.

  “Because I don’t want to fuck your virgin ass with dry fingers.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth opened in a surprised O as he shoved his fingers inside.

  “Don’t you dare bite me.”

  Her whimpered reply was met with vigor as she sucked and licked. Hell, he wished it was his dick. Later. Once they were alone.

  Once his fingers were wet and slippery, he yanked them out and pulled her to stand. “Bend over and put your hands on the seat.” He had her positioned so everyone could see everything, and her eyes widened as she realized this.

  Breathing so heavily her chest was probably starting to ache, she placed her hands on the chair and stuck her ass out for everyone to see. “Yes, Daddy.” God, those glazed eyes were smiling up at him as she did so. She wouldn’t admit it, but she was loving every minute of this.

  He gave her a few more smacks—not hard—but enough to add to her bright red cheeks. “On your elbows, please.”

  She obeyed quickly and he could see her pussy weeping from between her legs as she spread them for him.

  He tapped his wet fingers over her little dark hole and watched her try to stay still, her legs still vibrating in place. “Hold still, young lady, or I’ll take my belt off.”

  She groaned and pressed her ass up higher.

  He slowly tapped against her virgin hole, then inserted one finger into the tight ring, while continuing to give her small hard swats on her thighs.

  She groaned and mewled and danced in place as he pushed all the way inside her. It had been easy with the amount of fluid he had received from both her mouth and her pussy.

  “Let’s see,” he said as he continued to pump in and out of her while alternating with light smacks on her thighs. “Why am I punishing you again?”

  “I d-d-don’t remember,” came her breathless reply as she arched her back and brought her ass up and down with his fingers.

  He gave her a hard slap right below her bottom cheek and she shrieked. “Lying gets you punished, little girl.”

  “Ooooh. Oh, God. I mean Daddy.” She moaned when he reached between her legs to smack her wet pussy. “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!”

  “Good girl.” He continued pumping in and out with both fingers, and used his other hand to tickle her clit.

  “Please, Daddy. I can’t take anymore.”

  “Tell me why your ass is being punished right now.” He wiggled his finger inside her and she scrunched up her face and mewled.

  “I was naughty and came without permission.”


  He smacked her ass hard.

  “Please, I need… to…”

  He released a flurry of spanks all over her ass and pulled his finger almost all the way out and she groaned and tried to stand up. He grabbed her by the waist and yanked her back into position. Getting down to her ear level, he whispered, “Apologize like a good girl and Daddy will let you come.”

  “Oh, God. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

  He pumped in and out, and she cursed when he stopped again.

  “Now tell them you’re sorry.” He gave her clit a good tug and she squealed and her face flushed even more. “Tell them you’re a naughty little brat who didn’t deserve to
come, but you did without your Daddy’s permission.”

  “I can’t,” she wailed.

  “Yes, you can.” He pumped in and out and stroked her pussy at the same time.

  “I’m a naughty brat… who… ung… came,” she scrunched up her face and bit her lip hard, her forehead furrowing so tightly she looked like she was about to fall apart, “without my daddy’s per… mission! Pleeeease, Daddy. I’m so sorry.” Tears were in her eyes.

  “You may come, baby girl.” He wiggled his finger inside her and pinched her clit, before entering her pussy, so she was filled in both holes.

  She shrieked her climax as she tightened and convulsed around his digits, shaking and sobbing while her whole body thrashed and exploded around him. It was as if she had just released a million years of pent-up energy as she finished, finally sagging toward the chair with one last keening wail that echoed throughout the room.

  He pulled out and caught her with his right hand before she fell headfirst into the chair, scooped her up, and held her small, still shaking body firmly against his chest. She sobbed, spent, and curled into him.

  Oh, shit, he’d broken her. Goddamn it, he had pushed too far. He should have known she wouldn’t safe word out, and now he’d just fucked up in the worst way possible. “Pip?” He didn’t know what to say. He should have the shit kicked out of him for doing this. Holy fuck. What was he supposed to do now? “Dammit, Pip, talk to me.”

  “Mmm. Shut up.” Her glazed eyes and soft smile met his, and she looked sweeter and more satiated than ever before as she nuzzled into his chest. “You did good. Real good. But your aftercare is kind of sucking right now. Would you mind stroking my back a little and not talking again for a bit?”

  He nodded and barked a relieved laugh, and pulled her in for a kiss to the forehead before holding her tightly again. She pulled his hand to her back and started making him do circles. Okay, he could do that.

  “I’m fine, Con.”

  “You make me so happy.” That was probably the stupidest thing he had ever said in his entire life. But she smiled and curled up against him, and her wet eyes closed. He rubbed her back and held her, ignoring the whistles and cheers from the rest of their audience.

  “They are the most adorable couple.”

  “Perfect for each other.”

  He overheard other people murmuring as they all went back to their own entertainment, and he smiled and held his girl tight. Damn, they had everyone fooled, hadn’t they?

  Chapter Eleven

  Holy crap, she couldn’t believe she was a finalist—for a pageant she never would have dreamt of doing a month ago. But now, after watching the other scenes, making new friends, learning more about the different aspects of dominance and submission, and doing her own experimentation with Connor… Yeah, she was excited.

  Last night they had been invited to hang out with some scene players from Shadow Lane. Tony Elka, Eve Howard, and a mistress whose name she had forgotten had specifically invited them after watching their scene at the Daddy/daughter dance. It was really nice meeting the faces that came with the spanked butts and firm hands of the videos. She flushed—yeah, she had been so excited to meet Erica Scott and Keith Jones she had actually said that out loud. Luckily, they were cool people who laughed it off, and invited them to play or watch. Tony had even asked if they wanted to shoot some videos sometime. Real spanking videos that would go online, to be sold for other fetishists to enjoy. God, that sounded amazing, and made her whole body tingle with excitement. But there was no way she and Connor could do something like that—not with their current jobs. If they were ever seen, the whole department could be in trouble. So they would have to just enjoy their play in privacy.

  When had she started thinking of playing with Connor as a future ‘they’ thing? He did seem to enjoy it as much as she. But was he just doing it for the job? Maybe she could find a dom when she got back to her real life. Someone who would play with her, spank her, know when to make stupid ass jokes, and when to spank her so hard she screamed. When to back off, and when to throw her down on a bed, hold her arms above her head and lick her until she exploded. Tickle her, finger fuck her, whip her… snuggle.

  Oh, man. She tried to ignore the disappointment seeping into her soul. She would never find another partner like Connor. Someone who read her so well and reacted accordingly. Someone who didn’t take her shit, called her Pip, but was still there to hug her when something triggered her again.

  Several events had triggered her in the past two days. It was weird. She never cried. Yet, all the emotions and energy bubbled out of her when she was playing with Connor, or sitting with Connor watching other people play at the Shadow Lane party. Watching Tony and Eve, and another couple work together so fluidly, so gracefully; the arousal she felt from watching another woman’s pussy weep while being whipped so hard she screamed; observing a tender moment while another couple snuggled on the loveseat for aftercare; watching Erica laugh during a game of ‘pass the bottom’…

  Alex had broken down right there. Hyperventilated, sobbed, her whole body racked in gut-wrenchingly powerful jerks. And Connor had held her through all of it. Taken her out of the room, carried her into Tony’s bedroom without asking permission, shoved aside the man’s suitcase, laid her out on the bed, and spooned with her until she had finally calmed down. When Tony came in a bit later to check on her, Connor hadn’t even apologized for commandeering the other man’s bed. He had just held her even tighter and asked her if she was okay, and ready to go back out to the party.

  She wanted to be nurtured, but also respected and left free to be independent. She yearned for sexual intimacy, and pain and pleasure helped her find that. She wanted to be accepted as a kick-ass cop one moment, and a torn little girl who just needed snuggles the next. She wanted to be spanked and fucked hard; she wanted to have her back rubbed while she sat on a strong firm lap and breathed in the scent of Old Spice and man. She wanted to be called a naughty little girl who needed a good mouth-washing and hard orgasm; she wanted to be called a good girl. His good girl. Connor’s good girl.

  Last night had definitely been eye-opening for her, in many ways. And the biggest thing she had learned from it was that she wanted to keep doing this stuff. AP, BDSM, power exchange, dominance and submission. Something had burst out of her the very first time Connor had swatted her ass on the mats. And now her heart was threatening to burst out of her chest because of the chance Connor didn’t feel the same way.

  He could do it, take her in every way possible. But did he want to? What if this really was all a job to him? He had never given less than one hundred and ten percent in any job he did, why would this be any different? And that’s where the fear set in. She was setting herself up for failure and a very hard fall. If she let her heart go—who was she kidding? Her heart was already gone—but if she really let it go, and offered it to him. Asked him to do… the stuff they did this weekend and continue on, and he said no, she would be devastated. The only good thing about not having a father around was that you didn’t know what you were missing. Until now. Now that she knew what she wanted, it was killing her. Connor was right there within reach, but she couldn’t put her hand out. The fear intimidated her, made her feel like a weak baby that couldn’t do anything. It made her want to cocoon herself into a tiny ball and just sleep for a week or two.

  Connor didn’t deserve to be saddled with a crazy woman who couldn’t keep herself from being triggered by watching spanking scenes in a hotel room. She was supposed to be taking a quick nap. Last week, she would have revolted against the idea, but after all the energy she had expended, and the late nights, this chance to reset was a great idea. But instead of closing her eyes, she was scrolling through TV channels.

  A commercial for a popular macaroni and cheese product came on. “It’s the cheesiest!” it proclaimed. Alex furrowed her brow and watched as the scene unfolded. A young girl frowning, her pink bike helmet in hand, wrinkled her nose and gave a sad hug to her father
as he walked out the door. The handsome man with the slightly receding hairline and gray at the temples set his briefcase down and hugged his daughter. Then he gave her a kiss on the forehead and took her hand to lead her into the kitchen where he lovingly microwaved a steaming hot bowl of macaroni and cheese for her. After she finished her meal, Dad placed the helmet on her head, helped her onto her bike, and ran behind her—in a business suit—while she beamed and rode her bike. All by herself.

  Alex squinted and rubbed the sore spot over her aching heart, trying to hold the emotions at bay. Even an idiot could see what the marketers were saying. Dad loved his daughter, so he took time off from work to teach her how to ride her bike. She couldn’t have done it without the good source of vitamins and calcium packed into that small container. And she couldn’t have done it without her father running behind her in cliché-looking business attire and a goofy ‘heck yeah’ fist pump into the air.

  Alex had eaten mac and cheese. It wasn’t that hard to make. She’d taught herself how to ride her own bike. Did that make it less of an accomplishment because her father hadn’t been there for it? No, damnit. She didn’t need cheesy comfort food or someone holding onto her so she didn’t fall. She was a big girl. She collapsed back, curled up under the covers, and hid her hiccups and tears under the pillow.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  She hadn’t heard Connor open and close the door, and tried to hide her pitiful breakdown from him. He pulled her up onto his lap and cuddled her tight against his chest. “Tell me what’s going on, baby girl. Maybe I can fix it.”

  It was stupid and embarrassing, and the last thing she wanted to do was make a bigger ass out of herself, but her dumb mouth opened and everything came pouring out.

  He held her even tighter for another moment, until she finally calmed down, then set her back on the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. “You close your eyes and rest for a few minutes.” Then he picked up the phone. “Yeah, I need someone to do a grocery run for me.” She couldn’t hear part of what he said, but then he turned back and smiled. “No, not a restaurant. The round blue box that you microwave. I’ll make it myself. Tell your runner there’s an extra fifty dollars in it for him if he can get it here within the next half hour. Thanks.” He hung up the phone, and the bed sank when he sat down next to her and pulled her against him. “Scoot up. I’m going to hold you now.”